Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Concentrated Flavors of Jay Pencaps

If I were to write a novel, it would definitely be science-fiction. I don't read often, but when I do, it's usually science-fiction. First of all, it is a very tolerable genre in my opinion. I've never seen a single one of those annoying little 'symbols' or 'themes' in science-fiction. If they are actually there, they play very nicely and stay hidden from me and possibly other very literal people. So if I wrote a sci-fi, I wouldn't have to bend over backwards thinking about 'symbolism' or 'theme' :D. (And if anyone dares to think that my novel would suck without this, I wouldn't write it for popularity or fame and fortune, I would write it for my own amusement.)

Also with sci-fi, I can create my own world. Design EVERYTHING from the weather patterns to the level of technological advancement to the government system to the culture to the social norms to the native species. And I can do it all by Jay-self, it's all up to ME!

My novel would contain all kinds of different characters. Each would have a concentrated element of Jay Pencaps. For example, I can think of an antagonist I've used in another story who I can bring over to this story. She's very disrespectful, apathetic, does WHATEVER she wants no matter the cost, and some people mistakenly figure she's a psychopath. She always feels the need to do the opposite of what is she is told to do, and trusts nobody's logic but her own. Now I certainly hope nobody will EVER perceive me as this kind of person, but this is actually a very concentrated flavor of Jay Pencaps. That is what I feel like on rare occasions, and in writing about it, I get to see how it would work. Like Vonnie said, I have to be a sadist and do terrible things to characters...characters like this one I am describing can really help out with the sadism. An example of this character in action is when she tells of a childhood experience, a school trip to the municipal
Leadership Palace. She’s tired, so she sits down to rest on the floor. A security guard firmly tells her that she is not allowed to sit on the floor in the Leadership Palace, then tells her to remove her hat to “respect the space”. In a W-I-L-D and defiant blast of swearing, she tells the guard how she will not even entertain the notion. Of course, she is ejected and actually gets jailed for a brief period of time.

Another example of a character I have used before is a guy who's a huge fan of progressive music that I have called 'rough music'. He lives as an exile from his home continent in a small village on a neighboring continent with his two drug-addicted friends, but he doesn't do drugs himself. He definitely embodies a concentrated flavor of Jay Pencaps. I LOVE old progressive rock like Rush, Pink Floyd, E.L.P. and so on, and I also feel like a freak sometimes because I stay away from all drugs and alcohol.

And another character I've liked that I would use is a chick that’s head of a very unfair factory. She experiences a messy emotional breakdown after a stranger does something nice for her. This dynamic character eventually goes on to resign from her position. She embodies a concentrated flavor of Jay Pencaps because, just like myself, she has unfortunately become so used to people being so stupid and mean.

So enough about my characters, I could speak volumes about all the characters I could use. Once again, all concentrated flavors of moi.

If I could go on a radio show today, I would put a death grip on that mic and scream at the top of my lungs "I LOVE LIFE! I HATE SHAKESPEARE! I HATE POLITICS! WOMEN are equal to MEN, GAY are equal to STRAIGHT, OLD are equal to YOUNG! I HATE POLITICS! PEOPLE ARE MEAN AND STUPID! AND I HATE POLITICS!" with a nice assortment of colorful swear words and other ideas that I choose not to mention in this blog post. But instead, I'll just write a novel and stick these messages in it :).

(Note: the following has absolutely no connection to Brave New World, it's an idea of my own I generated last summer.) The society in my world isn't totally lawless, there are some loose municipal 'Leaderships' who deal with taxes, major crimes, and stuff, but the world is lacking a government. In fact, the word 'government' is extremely offensive, and a popular inappropriate insult is to call someone a 'politician'. Even this idea is a concentrated flavor of Jay's mind. I hate politics.

My novel would be written from the perspectives of a few different characters, possibly including some non-heterosexual people, some women, some old people, some children, some folks of minority races...Though I don't belong to any of those demographic groups, I feel that on earth, all those demographic groups get discriminated against at times and it would be fun to write about their perspectives in a world where discrimination against them isn't so much of a problem.

What the Public Should Learn
Something the public could learn about my novel is how meaningful a random act of kindness can be. I know it sounds cheesy, but teaching the public is not a great goal of the novel I’d write, ok? Maybe something else the public can learn is how fun it can be to tinker with a world where there is no strong government systems. Maybe something else I can put out for the public is trying to erase those stupid functionless rules such as ‘no hats in school’ and ‘put your knife and fork at on your plate when you’re done’ and ‘don’t walk on the grass’ and such.

Most of all, the public can learn about my interesting life’s experiences, because like Vonnie’s book, most of my novel will be true…more or less :P.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jay - I think consumers are getting bored with the same old same old. I've read too many stories with the same plot, recycled and repackaged. I like the idea of striking off into a relatively new narrative landscape. How would you teach the lessons you want the readers to learn? (sorry - rewrote this one and erased the first)

  3. That's a fabulous question, Mr. Lynn. I have absolutely no idea how. I only put those little 'lessons' in to satisfy the blog post topic. In real life, I wouldn't try to teach anything. I've never read a life-changing book or mildly educational fiction book, and I don't know how to write one.

    BUT, to attempt to answer your specific question, Mr. Lynn, I'd use my characters and their interactions. One character's experiences, like the person who has an epiphany after some random person does something nice for her, could maybe encourage niceness?

    Sorry Mr. Lynn, I don't really feel I can fully wrap my mind around that question :S.
